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Shiny S-312 Mini Phrase Dater

Shiny S-312 Mini Phrase Dater

Shiny S-312 Mini Phrase Dater

Price:   $ 23.50
Product Color:
Ink Color:
Date/Number Format:
Dec 31 20XX

SKU(s): DS-SH312, DS-SH312


Printer line dial-a-word stamp with short text and date. Text: PAID, FAXED, REVISED, E-MAILED, RECEIVED, SHIPPED, URGENT!, APPROVED, CHECKED, CANCELLED, OVERDUE and COMPLETED

Printer line dial-a-word stamp with short text and date. Text: PAID, FAXED, REVISED, E-MAILED, RECEIVED, SHIPPED, URGENT!, APPROVED, CHECKED, CANCELLED, OVERDUE and COMPLETED